Patricia Rupert, Ph.D. Dr. Rupert is an associate professor in the psychology department at Loyola University Chicago. Her research interests include professional burnout and well-being, work-family integration, and ethical issues related to managed mental health care, confidentiality, and professional relationships. Over the past fifteen years, her research lab has completed four national and three state-wide surveys of practicing psychologists, examining factors associated with burnout, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction among professional psychologists. These surveys examined a range of variables related to work setting and work activities; client and psychologist characteristics; work satisfactions and stresses; positive career sustaining behaviors or self-care strategies that may help psychologists prevent burnout and maintain well-functioning. In addition, Dr. Rupert's graduate students have conducted a wide range of projects on ethical and professional issues, including work-family spillover, coping with negative client behaviors and burnout, management of confidentiality with HIV infected clients and with adolescent clients, use of touch in psychotherapy, dual relationships with former psychotherapy clients, the development of a measure of self-care for practicing psychologists, and predictors of self-care, burnout, and professional well-being.